Founder Alignment Exercise (Startup Onramp)

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A simple exercise to make sure your founders/team is aligned with the right expectations.

Published/Updated on Nov 12, 2021

A simple exercise to make sure your founders/team is aligned with the right expectations.

Founder Alignment Exercise Instructions

1. Have each member of your team complete the following table (see PDF) as an individual activity.
2. Provide specific, quantitative answers wherever possible. A single sentence is enough for each response.
3. Come together as a team and share your responses (or share it with friends / family / your significant other if youโ€™re a sole founder). Use it as a discussion-starter to see how much alignment there is between the expectations of each team member, and to identify any major mismatches in terms of inputs or outputs.

Each team member/founder answers the following questions:

  • Why am I doing this startup?

  • What am I willing to put in? (eg. cash, time, expertise, network, reputation)

  • What do I want to get out? (eg. freedom, money (how much, over what time frame, salary vs capital gain), self-actualization, social benefit)

  • How do I define success?

Download below PDF to fill in.