


They offer the members within SUP access to their network of experienced, high-end tech consultants and freelancers to a lower cost rate.


  • Access to high-end tech consultants and freelancers at lower cost


Offer: We offer the members within SUP access to our network of experienced, high-end tech consultants and freelancers. We can connect them with experienced tech mentors, who can help and assist them in their daily work. We can supply the members with freelance consultants at lower cost rate than traditional consultancy agencies, and help the members with everything regarding the consultancy procurement process. The startup scene is our home. Our clients are almost all within this scene, whether it's global startups or small and new startups, we help them find a great match that can contribute to their continuous growth and development.

We know tech Tingentโ€™s sourcing department has great experience of recruitment within the tech industry. We understand your need. And we know a great match when we see one.

Quality Tingent is completely independent and work towards the entire consultancy market. We only pass forward profiles who we believe is a great fit and fulfills the requirements.

What is most important for us is that we deliver the right consultant and also that the assignment is right for the consultant. This is the only way we can add value to both sides.

We care Our network is our strength and our everything. We work hard to maintain good relations with every freelancer we meet in order to stay as their first choice as a partner.