International Partner Hubs

International Partner Hubs


Travelling or expanding to a new region? We have agreement with other Hubs around the world that would like to welcome you and introduce you to their network


  • Work from any partner hubs around the globe
  • Explore wide range of networks


SUP members can visit and work from other hubs all over the globe that we have friendship agreements with. Check out our partner hubs in San Francisco, Palo Alto New York, London, Berlin, Paris & Copenhagen.

How to use the agreement:

  1. SUP members can connect with ”other hub members” for knowledge sharing. Let know of your interest!

  2. It will be possible for SUP46 members and Alumni to use flex seats for free at the other hubs, and vice versa. If you're interested in seats, contact, at least 2 weeks before travel. Include the time duration that you wish to spend at the destination - date x to date y. The offer per hub is limited to 3 persons/startup and 40 hours/year/startup.

  3. SUP46 will contact the friendship the hub within 1 week to confirm so that they have available seats.

  4. If the hub confirms, SUP46 will make an introduction to our contact person.